FUENTES del VINO is a round-trip route designed from 5 to 3 stages.
The route takes place in the North of SPAIN. The track jumps from the Tierra Estella Navarra, the cliffs of the Cantabria Range and the Montaña Alavesa at North, to the Ranges of LA RIOJA at South.
In the middle; The Rioja basin. Infinite vineyards, designer wineries, monumental villas saturated with history, large Mountain passes in the Cameros and Cantabria Ranges and the backbone of the Ebro in the center feeding everything.
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Standar Option 5 Stages
Distance: 510 km Unevenness: 6.320 m
PLUS Option 5 Stages
Distance: 680 km Unevenness: 9.575 m
La Demanda Range, lonely tarmacs in La Rioja.
The 1st stage of the route has 2 clearly differentiated sections. In the 1st one we will go west through the region of Tierra Estella located in the Middle Zone of Navarra in which we will face a very rolling section which ends at 2 medium-sized mountain passes -although with some very steep ramps- that rise above the slopes of the Sierra de Codés.
In the 2nd part we already enter the "world of vineyards", we descend until we cross the Ebro and we roll without major demands until the end of the stage at the 200 Monges winery in Albelda de Iregua where we directly "immerse ourselves" in the wine-making environment that constantly permeates La Rioja.
If we choose the PLUS option, we will continue the route in the first part mentioned, but then we will radically turn South until we reach the Ebro river and we will enter the world of the vineyard but through a completely different territory. Perhaps without knowing it, we have decided to know what in terms of wine appellations now comes to be known as La Rioja Oriental.
In the sporting area, a very rolling stage but with a demanding end in the ascent to Castillo de Clavijo, a full-fledged Mountain pass.
For stage B, the most demanding of all, the standard route is the same that we chose for the PLUS option for the simple reason that it is the best, although we have tracks with softer options in case someone finds the route very hard.
The stage goes right through the entire Cameros Range, ascending the Mountain passes of La Rasa and Peña Hincada. A pure mountain day today.
Except for the slight difficulty involved in the ascent to the essential Suso Monastery in San Millán de la Cogolla, the rest of the stage will consist of riding among crops and vineyards up to the slopes of Cellorigo, where the ascent to "Pulpito de La Rioja" -a Spectacular viewpoint over the entire region- will again require us to put the best of us over the pedals.
Obligatory stop at the Castle of Sajazarra and with a quickly roll to the end of the stage in the "Capital del Rioja" stage C will be over.
If we choose for the PLUS option, we will add to the kilometers of the day an incursion through Ezcaray andLa Demanda Range in which we will ascend the Port of Pradilla, then descend to the province of Burgos and then cross the "Riojilla Burgalesa" to contact the standard tour.
Unless we have chosen the PLUS option, in which case the "task" of the day is clearly the hard ascent to Moncalvillo Mountain pass, - the most demanding port of La Rioja -, stage D will be the most eminently "wine" of the 5 stages of FUENTES del VINO ROAD.
A stage of "intoxicating" style and with a certain air of glamor in which the constant of the day will be vineyards and caves.
The last stage (E) begins with one of the hard Mountain passes that starting in the basin of La Rioja ascend to the Cantabria Range to enter the leafy region known as "Montaña Alavesa".
We will ascend the port of Rivas de Tereso if we choose the standard option or the mythical Herrera if we opt for the PLUS.
Once up, the atmosphere will change completely and will give a differentiating touch of great beauty to the stage in charge of finishing FUENTES del VINO ROAD.
The last kilometers of the day will pass through the Amezkoas Valley on the southern slope of the well-known Sierra de Urbasa, along whose slopes we will return to the starting point in Estella.
To get an idea about FUENTES del VINO ROAD and about the scenes you can find if you decide to meet it, click and browse below in any of these tabs.
Oco Valley at the foot of the Codés Range. We cross Tierra Estella heading West looking for La Rioja.
In this 1st stage we will cross the sunflower fields of Navarra.
Fast roads on the slopes of the Cantabria Range, we enter La Rioja Alavesa.
Professional Pelotón in "La Vuelta a La Rioja" crossing the Ebro river in Lapuebla de Labarca, the point where formerly a boat was the resource used to cross the river. We change slopes and leave La Rioja Alavesa.
Terraced "Singular" vineyards, typical of the Iregua Valley. Below, the "result", the renowned 200 Monges wines from Vinícola Real winery.
The last kilometers of the day take us into the Iregua Valley, where the stage ends
200 Monges winery and its vineyards, an accommodation in a Hotel / Winery difficult to forget.
Vuelta a España 2021 under the slopes of Moncalvillo in the Iregua Valley.
Surprising set of Medieval Caves at the entrance to the Leza Valley.
Typical landscape of Cameros Range. Territory of the first kilometers of the day.
Overwhelming Leza Canyon. The road, at the top, almost fly over the river.
We continue beside the Leza river. Environment of green mantle native close to Jalón de Cameros.
Mountain scenes during the climb to La Rasa Mountain pass
At the top of Peña Hincada a long descent begins that places us in the Najerrilla basin.
Early snowfall in late fall over the summits of La Demanda Range.
Close to Bobadilla. We leave behind the Iberian Mountain range and return to the "friendly zone" of the route, again the warmth and the aroma of vineyard.
End of the day in Nájera, from the Arabic Naxara, "Place among mountains".
An obligatory stop, Yuso Monastery -San Millán de la Cogolla- World Heritage Site.
Pass through La Demanda Range in the PLUS option. Sunrise in Ezcaray and ascent to Pradilla Mountain pass, which leads to the province of Burgos.
Morning scenes in the Burgos slope of La Demanda Range
Long sections among crops in the Riojilla burgalesa
Demanding ramps during the ascent to Pulpito de La Rioja, the Cellorigo viewpoint, one of the few heights of a certain entity in the standard version of today's stage.
The last kilometers of the day pass under the gaze of the Obarenes Mountains. At its feet, among the vineyards of Muga wineries, the city of Haro emerges, the Capital of Rioja for the world, and the end of the stage for us.
Quick visit - it´s time to go to rhe hotel - to the historical Haro Station
Today´s stage goes through the Rioja "Zero Zone".
We start the day crossing the immense Sea of vineyards that connects Haro with Nájera.
Long sections of solitary tarmacs under the omnipresent presence of the La Demanda Range.
Chozo on the road with the Cantabria Range closing the picture.
A stop among the vineyards of the Marqués de Riscal wineries in Elciego.
Carravalseca dry lagoon in Laguardia, we enter the Rioja Alavesa again.
Harvest days in the Rioja Alavesa, around Labastida.
Stop to recharge energy among the vineyards of the Ebro Basin.
Sea of clouds over sea of vineyards hidden in mist. Last look at La Rioja from the viewpoint of the Cantabria Range.
We change the environment and leave the vineyards behind. We enter the Montaña Alavesa.
Demanding ramps in the Herrera Mountain Pass. Hard work if we choose the PLUS option in this last stage.
Panoramic view over the Montaña Alavesa seen from the Paso del Toro in the Cantabria Range. In first plane Lagrán and Villaverde, points of passage of this last stage of Fuentes del Vino ROAD, in the background the Natural Park of Izki. We will get there if we choose the PLUS option.
Quiet roads in the Montaña Alavesa, forests and fields. La Muela de San Román watches over us as we roll towards Kampezu.
The landscape has definitely changed. In the Montaña Alavesa the oak grove is the chief.
The last kilometers of the day will pass through the Amezkoas Valley on the southern slope of the Urbasa Range.
5 days later, at the foot of Lakua's balcony, Estella appears again.
If you have doubths, do not hesitate and use some of the buttons below, we respond quickly.
The proposal of LA RIOJA PUNTO BIKE for FUENTES del VINO ROAD is roughly a Self Guided Route Pack in which the Accommodations, the Tracks & Map-Sketch -one for each stage- of the route, and the Transport of Luggage from hotel to hotel are included.
Before starting the route, we made a Briefing at start point, in which, in addition to transmitting more details of what you will find along the route, we give you our Welcome Pack.
During the days in route we also give Telephone Assistance to solve problems that may arise or simply to discuss details of the stage to come.
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5 Stages / 5 Nights
676 €
Price per person for groups of 6 or more people
738 €
Price per person for groups of 4 or 5 people
828 €
Price per person for groups of 2 or 3 people
Single room supplement: + 232 €
When the group consists of an even number of people, an even number of applications will also be necessary to access this supplement.
4 Stages / 4 Nights
Eliminating the Circular stage in Haro (stage D)
548 €
Price per person for groups of 6 or more people
586 €
Price per person for groups of 4 or 5 people
680 €
Price per person for groups of 3 people
696 €
Price per person for groups of 2 people
Single room supplement: + 158 €
When the group consists of an even number of people, an even number of applications will also be necessary to access this supplement.
4 Stages / 4 Nights
Starting and ending the route in Albelda de Iregua
560 €
Price per person for groups of 6 or more people
584 €
Price per person for groups of 4 or 5 people
652 €
Price per person for groups of 2 or 3 people
Single room supplement: + 204 €
When the group consists of an even number of people, an even number of applications will also be necessary to access this supplement.
3 Stages / 3 Nights
Starting and ending the route in Albelda de Iregua
414 €
Price per person for groups of 6 or more people
436 €
Price per person for groups of 4 or 5 people
498 €
Price per person for groups of 2 or 3 people
Single room supplement: + 134 €
When the group consists of an even number of people, an even number of applications will also be necessary to access this supplement.
And you can add a Night with Breakfast at the end of the route -in the same hotel where you started it- for 38 € per person in a double room or for 74 € in a single room
Below we show our usual selection of accommodations for FUENTES del VINO ROAD. However, since in LA RIOJA the hotel reservations are usually complicated at certain times of the year - especially during the harvest - the Pack proposal that we finally offer may differ from the one presented here.
"Booking in advance is in this case something more than a commercial trick, it makes the difference between being able or not being able to do the route."
Lodging for stages with start in Estella / Lizarra
Hotel Yerri
Our PUNTO BIKE in Tierra Estella is this 2 star hotel located a few meters from the historic center of "La Ciudad del Ega".
An confortable establishment accustomed to dealing with cyclists due to the large number of events linked to 2 wheels that take place in the city.
Lodging for stages with start in Albelda de Iregua
La Casa del Cofrade
Our PUNTO BIKE in Albelda de Iregua is - we dare to affirm it - a four star hotel "camouflaged" in one of two. Located in the same place as the Vinícola Real Wineries to which it belongs, it allows us access from its facilities to the calados -caves- dug in the rock of the mountain on which it is attached, and in which the renowned wines of 200 Monges as well as other elements of historical value that will make us immediately perceive that we are in a special place. Something more even than a Winery + a Hotel.
If to all this we add the link and the total dump with everything that sounds like cycling, the choice could not be more obvious. Sports activity here becomes almost an excuse to live this part of the global experience of FUENTES del VINO.
Lodging for stages with start in Nájera
Hotel Duques de Nájera
Lodging for stages with start in Haro
Hotel Arrope
Our PUNTO BIKE in Haro is this 3-star hotel located in the Center of the "Capital of Rioja".
Comfortable, cozy and dedicated to cycling. The choice is obvious.
1 night of accommodation with breakfast
Corresponds to the 1st night as usually the groups prefer to choose themselves where to dine during the arrival trip to the destination
The rest of the nights accommodation in half board
Accommodation is not included at the end of the last stage.
Transport of luggage between hotels
1 bag or package per person
Visit to the winery and special tasting of 200 Monges wines at the Hotel / Bodega La Casa del Cofrade when the contracted Pack includes Half Board in such accommodation.
Tracks of the route in GPX format for mobile phones or GPS devices
Warn us if you prefer them in another format
Explanatory printed map-sketch of the different route options for each stage
One per stage
Shower and luggage reception at the end of the last stage despite you don’t spend the night at the finalising point of the route
Presentation of the route and delivery of information in hand the day of the arrival of the group to the hotel or the morning of the next day when groups are of 6 or more people
Beers or other consumptions outside the proposed menus in the dinners or during the stay in hotels
Meals in restaurants at the time of the noon, unless it has been agreed previously to replace dinner with meals
Any kind of sports material, helmets, shoes, etc.
Mechanical Assistance during the activity
If possible, we will try to help you in case of a breakdown, but in many situations this help can be very limited due to lack of specific spare parts or other circumstances. The cost of the service if it can be done is € 18 per hour + € 0.40 per kilometer.
Anything not expressly indicated in the offer
All the proposals presented on this website are sold through Pirineos PUNTO BIKE
Travel Agency registered in the Tourism Registry of Navarra with registration code: CI. NA-128
If you have doubths, do not hesitate and use some of the buttons below, we respond quickly.